Introducing : The Weekly
Dear Friends,
Our newsletter was once called “The Weekly.” In its January 11, 1924 edition we read this announcement: “No one can accuse the Madison Avenue Church of being behind the times, and to live up to the reputation of our up-to-dateness, a new dial tone telephone has just been installed which necessitates a change in our number….While we have no historic event or famous personage to associate with our new number, let us not forget it is Butterfield 8920.”
The tools and methods we use in communicating are ever evolving. How did we ever survive without those little boxes, smart phones, that report the weather, play videos, and call our friends and neighbors?
Courtesy of NYC Ago
In the spirit of strengthening communication at MAPC, we have updated the format of our weekly communique.
We are to connect you and our neighbors as quickly and easily as possible to information about the life of our church.
Thinking of you.