Racial Justice Task Force Outing—American Folk Art Museum
Saturday, Feb. 24th, 2 pm, Lincoln Square at 66th St.
Members of the Racial Justice Task Force invite you to join them for the exhibit, “Unnamed Figures: Black Presence and Absence in the Early American North on Saturday, February 24th at 2pm. We’ll allow an hour to tour the exhibit together, then walk to a nearby coffee shop for fellowship. We will meet just inside the Folk Art Museum at 2 pm. Please let Beverly Bartlett know if you plan to come so we will know to look for you! You can email her at bab@mapc.com.
From the Museum’s description of the exhibition:
“Unnamed Figures: Black Presence and Absence in the Early American North. As a corrective to histories that define slavery and anti-Black racism as a largely Southern issue, this exhibition offers a new window onto Black representation in a region that is often overlooked in narratives of early African American history.
“Through 125 remarkable works including paintings, needlework, and photographs, this exhibition invites visitors to focus on figures who appear in—or are omitted from—early American images and will challenge conventional narratives that have minimized early Black histories in the North, revealing the complexities and contradictions of the region’s history between the late 1600s and early 1800s.”